Democrats made real headway this past election with Hispanic voters. I'm curious if this had anything to do with their decision. When George W. Bush and Republicans nominated their nominee, I wonder if their religious background had anything to do with it. Considering Republicans made big headway with Evangelicals that election. The two parties can care a less about qualifications for the highest court in the land. All the parties care about is their voting constituents and staying in power. The sooner Americans realize that the sooner we can elect new people and new ideas. That requires faith in the American people's intellect which I have no faith in.
Now it's customary for the opposing party to bash the nominee the President has chosen. All stupid Americans care about in this country is Abortion. No one cares about other more important issues that come across the Supreme Court's desk, just abortion. So we will hear from the right that this nominee is a baby killer and then we will hear from the left that they are being sexist/racist. Standard operating procedure here. It's called political grandstanding. Anything that elevates you to be broadcast on the media and keeping your name out there, is a good day. This essentially is what politics is, a popularity contest.
The Supreme Court justices went downhill once abortion became an issue because this is the only issue they were being qualified for. No one cares if they are an expert on constitutional law or if they are fair and not motivated by political gain. I want a supreme court justice who doesn't make up their mind about a decision before they even hear the case. Who would want a justice who prejudges something before even hearing a argument? The American people that's who. This is exactly what the American people want and this is what our politicians offer us. If anyone has seen the movie, "Idiocracy" I believe this is where we are headed. haha
What happened to this belief?
Nowadays the blindfold is taken off and a rock is put on either side of the balance.