Monday, July 12, 2010

Jesse Jackson You Have Been Irrelevant For Far Too Long

I am a Cleveland sports fan and have been my entire life. It was of great surprise to me to hear Jesse Jackson getting involved with a matter of sports. The majority owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers Dan Gilbert had some direct words with Lebron James's decision to leave the city of Cleveland for Miami in a letter. If anyone was to witness Lebron James's fiasco that was put on display over his free agency. I would say that the fans of Cleveland and the Cavaliers ownership had every right to speak freely on this matter. Jesse Jackson on the other hand has no experience or relevance to this matter.

This issue has absolutely no relevance to race. In Jesse Jackson's warped mind he believes no one can show frustration or anger towards an African American without being framed as a racist or as he calls Gilbert a "Slave Master." He also believes Gilbert is treating Lebron like a "slave." I think it is just his way to get his name in the news because he is very egotistical to believe he speaks on behalf of all African Americans. There are many African Americans who are Cleveland Cavalier fans and that were just as angry with Lebron James as white fans were. To single out Gilbert because he is white and a sports owner is ridiculous. Dan Gilbert works with and is colleagues with probably many African Americans.

Jesse Jackson is the most divisive and inflammatory figure in politics today. For someone who crusades against African American stereotypes and injustices; he certainly does not practice what he preaches. I can't understand this guy because he worked with Martin Luther King who preached about peace and African American inclusiveness in America. In recent years he uses prejudice and divisiveness instead. Jesse Jackson sure does vent his anger and frustration at others that are not his skin color so what does that make him? A swell guy? I would say he has become exactly what he has crusaded against. Is Jesse Jackson just bored and decides to pick fights with any white person in the news he can find? He doesn't even know Dan Gilbert or even met the guy before in his life. What gives him the right to pass judgment on someone he doesn't even know other than he is white and wealthy? I mean seriously if Dan Gilbert was African American owner would he then have anything to say about his letter? Not at all. You criticized Barack Obama for not being black enough and criticized him for being honest about African American communities and life in America. Actually you wanted to "chop his balls off" for talking bad about African Americans. Great example of your craziness. Not every word out of Barack Obama's mouth was positive about African Americans. You criticized him for being honest. That should be evidence enough that you are a divider.

Jesse Jackson you need to look in the mirror and discover that it is YOU that is a racist and uses prejudice to divide.

Eat shit Lebron James and Jesse Jackson lol. Uh oh I must be a slave master!

Go Cavs!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Supreme Court Nominee Picked: Political Grandstanding Engaged!

Ladies and gentlemen it's that time again for a new Supreme court justice! We now get to hear the douchebagery from both political parties. We get to hear from the Democrats how diverse and respectful they are to other races and genders. We get to hear from Republicans how awesome Jesus is and how babies rule! As if either party really cared that the most qualified person was nominated for the job.

Democrats made real headway this past election with Hispanic voters. I'm curious if this had anything to do with their decision. When George W. Bush and Republicans nominated their nominee, I wonder if their religious background had anything to do with it. Considering Republicans made big headway with Evangelicals that election. The two parties can care a less about qualifications for the highest court in the land. All the parties care about is their voting constituents and staying in power. The sooner Americans realize that the sooner we can elect new people and new ideas. That requires faith in the American people's intellect which I have no faith in.

Now it's customary for the opposing party to bash the nominee the President has chosen. All stupid Americans care about in this country is Abortion. No one cares about other more important issues that come across the Supreme Court's desk, just abortion. So we will hear from the right that this nominee is a baby killer and then we will hear from the left that they are being sexist/racist. Standard operating procedure here. It's called political grandstanding. Anything that elevates you to be broadcast on the media and keeping your name out there, is a good day. This essentially is what politics is, a popularity contest.

The Supreme Court justices went downhill once abortion became an issue because this is the only issue they were being qualified for. No one cares if they are an expert on constitutional law or if they are fair and not motivated by political gain. I want a supreme court justice who doesn't make up their mind about a decision before they even hear the case. Who would want a justice who prejudges something before even hearing a argument? The American people that's who. This is exactly what the American people want and this is what our politicians offer us. If anyone has seen the movie, "Idiocracy" I believe this is where we are headed. haha

What happened to this belief?

Nowadays the blindfold is taken off and a rock is put on either side of the balance.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Fine Line of Torture

This is an issue I'm having much conflict about. The reason is because I can partially agree with both sides of the argument. Torture is a very hard issue to balance for me personally because it is a long look at the fine line of what is ethical and what is not. One conclusion I can come up with is that torture is morally wrong but the costs sometimes outweighs the means. The question you have to ask yourself is; Are you willing to sacrifice your morals to protect the innocent? How far is too far?

I am an American citizen and I love my country. I also like to think that my country should always be a moral beacon of light. Always trying to maintain our moral high-ground to the rest of the world. The question is how do you combat an enemy that is pure evil. They are willing to kill innocent people for their cause and give their own life for their cause. Can moral methods really prevail over such hatred and evil? Do we have to fight fire with fire? In the history of the United States we have yet to face an enemy such as this.

When we torture we sacrifice everything we stand for. We also become hypocritical. The Japanese water boarded U.S. troops during World War II. Those who committed those acts were charged for war crimes and executed. So why is the U.S. immune to the same laws that it executes? How does torture make us look to the rest of the world when we are supposed to be the great society of freedom and liberty? When we torture we give up our moral standing, our image, and our laws. There must be other methods of getting information from people without breaking the law. I think we are more than enough technologically advanced to do so. We are sinking to the level of our enemies to defeat them which is exactly what they want. We have to keep our heads and anger intact to prevent terrorist attacks not let our emotions and passions blind us.

Now for those who think torture should be done. Take this issue down to a personal level. I like to use this example; If you knew a loved one would die and someone had information of when and how. Would you use any method possible to save that loved one even if it resorted to something morally wrong. I would suggest to watch the movie "Taken." In the movie the father has a very small window of opportunity to save his daughter from her kidnappers. He killed, tortured, and put morals in the backseat to do so. Saving his daughters life was more important to him than his sense of good. I would have to say that I would do the same thing in that situation. Now if a terrorist had information about bombing a certain location that would kill thousands of innocent people. Are those lives worth sacrificing everything we stand against?

My final conclusion on the subject is a compromise. We research and discover other methods of interrogation. Methods that are far superior to torture without breaking the law. Without rule of law there is chaos. Torture is a doomsday scenario if all other methods fail and there is no other choices that present themselves. Saving innocent lives is more important to me. The only way we prevail in this fight is that we remain morally sound. When we remain the morally sound country our enemies morale will falter. Others will follow our example to help destroy these evil bastards.

On a side note, I know I've taken a very long break but I'm back in action now. More to come.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Obama Is President Now? Not Yet!

The last time I checked George W. Bush is still President of the United States. Inauguration Day is January 20th, 2009. Why is it people are already assuming and predicting how Barack Obama will lead? He hasn't even moved into the White House yet. I can't even watch the news anymore because all I hear about is the crazy analysis of the choices of Obama's cabinet and what kind of President Obama will be. Last time I checked cabinet members report and are the employees of the President's will. They are not the President. It does not matter how awesome of a political pundit you think you are, you cannot predict Obama's Presidency based off his cabinet picks.

Do I know how Barack Obama will lead? No. I voted for him because I thought he would be the best for the job. I really have no clue what his plans are though. I'm not going to give my opinion of his leadership until he actually has the job though. We are facing some very challenging times and there is no magic solution. Contrary to belief Barack Obama cannot cure cancer his first day in office. Our federal goverment has three branches of government and also has checks and balances. This is not a dictatorship. Barack Obama cannot wave his arm in fury and get things done.

Please, also give George W. Bush a break. The problems of our country are not all on the President of United States. There are multiple causes to all the countries problems not just George W. Bush. Do I think he has made some bad decisions? Yes. I do not blame him for everything though. Some people are so obsessed with party politics that it blinds them to the real causes of our problems. Our country has become so fixated on placing blame that they do not use that same fixation to actually solve the problem. Focus on the present, not the past.

I'm not a fortune teller and neither is the media. I do not know what the future holds for us. I really hope though that Barack Obama steers us into the right direction. Once he is in office then we can criticize or praise his decisions. Until January 20th though please, SHUT THE F@!CK UP!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Where The GOP Went Wrong

1. Message:

The GOP has stuck with the same ideological platform since 1980 because Ronald Reagan was successful with it. It worked at the time period but times change and voters change. At the time the Democrats were the party of the "South." So they tried to tap this resource emphasizing on no big government and the party of family values. They were overwhelming successful because who wins the "South" now? Over time though by only catering to to "Southern Values," the GOP has slowly lost support in the Purple States. These are the states that win Presidencies. At the time they also had to separate themselves from the taint of Richard Nixon. They also pounded repeatedly that they were the party of true Patriotism. This worked at the time because we have just got out of the disaster of Vietnam and were in a power struggle with the U.S.S.R.. There was also the corruption of Richard Nixon and the "Watergate Scandal." So American's were not very enthusiastic about the government's decisions. The GOP needs to reinvent their message to serve all the American people not just their base that they have created throughout the years.

2. Promise

For years the GOP has adopted the identity of being the party of less taxes and cut government spending. They have also labeled Democrats as "tax and spend." Over the years the American people have discovered that this identity was not very true anymore. Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush have had more government spending than any other Democratic administration has in recent history. Over time the GOP has become what they accused their opponents of.

3. Tactics

The GOP in recent years have used very negative campaigning to make the American people doubt the character of their opponents. This has worked greatly in recent elections. The "Achilles Heel" to this tactic is the overwhelming polarization it causes in the country. In recent years people are tired of polarization and want Democrats and Republicans to work together. The American people now realize that the partisan in-fighting gets nothing done and the people suffer for it. It has gotten the GOP elected but has turned around to bite them in the end.

4. Religion and Social Issues

Recently the GOP has attempted to bring the die hard religious and die hard social issue on their bandwagon. These two issues are what has pushed away moderate Democrats and Independents that have overwhelmingly voted for Reagan. This is how the GOP has tried to appeal to the "Bible Belt." This has made the Purple States turn more blue. The GOP has took hard stances on abortion, gays, and church in government. Instead of trying to compromise these difficult issues, the GOP would not budge. The American people have just become sick of stubborn government. The GOP needs to sever ties with religion and stay neutral.

5. Solutions

For over 30 years now the GOP has had the same solutions for every problem our country faces.

Economy: Cut taxes and cut government spending.
Foreign Policy: No diplomacy and who cares about our allies.
Health Care: The system is fine the way it is.
Energy: Until recently they said, "Who cares about the environment?" Oil is good.

The GOP can keep their conservative message but as Ronald Reagan would say, "Where's the beef?" Redefine your solutions for the current time period. This is 2008, the same solutions are not going to work until the end of time.


This map compares which counties Democrats have improved on since 2004. GOP you have some work to do. Your platform is not working anymore. I'm a Liberal and I love to see this but if the GOP shifts it's platform more to my views, you will win my vote. Right now you are totally out of the mainstream of America. Do Work GOP! lol

Friday, November 7, 2008

Gays and Religious Fascism

It has been over 200 years of our American Union and we somehow always throughout history need to infringe on some groups rights. Religion in recent years has infected itself into our government. Religion has succeeded in doing so by voting in vast numbers. Politicians are scared to stand up to a large voting demographic. The separation of church and state has been blurred. The Founding Fathers warned of the churches involvement in our newly formed Republic and it has not had a major role in government until recently.

On Tuesday we had a historic moment in electing the first African American President of the United States but also the same night every gay proposition failed. The California Supreme Court rewarded gays the right to marry in the state but the voters took that right away. How does the government have the right to restrict rights? Last time I checked that was defined as Fascism. From our Declaration of Independence it states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

These propositions are in complete violation of this sentence and our Bill of Rights. You are suppressing someones Rights, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.

I'm not engaged in the homosexual lifestyle but I have no right to dictate the lives of someone else. Gays are American citizens too and they deserve the exact same rights as everyone else. They pay taxes, vote, and are law abiding citizens. Sorry religious people but you do not own the word "Marriage." It is not Marriage(TM). Nor do you have the right to take people's rights away because your book of fairy tales tells you it's bad. In what way exactly does gays getting married effect your rights? Sorry to inform religious people but scientists have discovered a genetic relation to homosexuality. They do not wake up one day and say, "Hmm I want to be gay today!" The ironic and funny thing is that the Mormon community funded the ban campaigns. Mormons practice polygamy! Does the government take their right away to do so? The government gave you your own state to be weird.

They also banned gay adoption in numerous states. Somehow being raised by a same sex couple can't be done. The children are better off in a foster home than being adopted by a loving family? The opposition's reasoning is just dumb because they try to fool you and say their religion is not the reason. We all know religion does not want this because their book of stupidity says it's bad. Somehow a child that is being taken care of by responsible parents of the same sex can't have normal lives. Raising a child has nothing to do with your sex, it has to do with if your a good person or not.

Will we ever live in a country in some point in time where all races, religions, and sexual orientations are created equal? We spread democracy and liberty to other countries but we do not practice it ourselves. There is something seriously wrong with that. When are people going to realize the hatred, violence, and oppression that religion represents? These are all great questions hopefully they are answered in my lifetime.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Epic Fail Moments of the 2008 Presidential Election

John McCain's Greatest Hits:

This one makes me laugh so much. He accidentally agrees with Jack Murtha's comments about how he said western Pennsylvania is a racist part of the state. Epic Fail!

John McCain suspends his campaign and calls apologetically to David Letterman to cancel his appearance. He says he is racing back to Washington to accommodate the crisis. He then goes on an interview with Katie Couric on the same channel lol. Of all people Keith Olbermann replaces the slot. Epic Fail!

Where in the world is Joe the Plumber!? Epic Fail!

Barack Obama's Greatest Hits:

Way to give the Right some ammunition about you being a terrorist lol. Epic Fail!

57 states really? haha Epic Fail!

Doh! Punished with a baby! Bye Bye religious crazy voters! Epic Fail!

Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits:

Doh! Way to instill confidence! Epic Fail!

I don't care about the other stuff. This is the single moment where Palin showed me she has absolutely no idea what she is talking about. Epic Fail!

Please Sarah Palin, just say you don't have much foreign policy experience and don't defend it with this idoitic reasoning. Make up something better lol. Epic Fail!

Joe Biden's Greatest Hits:

The guy was in a wheel chair lol. Epic Fail!

FDR went on television, really? IT WASN'T INVENTED YET! Epic Fail!

Just lol. Epic Fail!