It has been over 200 years of our American Union and we somehow always throughout history need to infringe on some groups rights. Religion in recent years has infected itself into our government. Religion has succeeded in doing so by voting in vast numbers. Politicians are scared to stand up to a large voting demographic. The separation of church and state has been blurred. The Founding Fathers warned of the churches involvement in our newly formed Republic and it has not had a major role in government until recently.
On Tuesday we had a historic moment in electing the first African American President of the United States but also the same night every gay proposition failed. The California Supreme Court rewarded gays the right to marry in the state but the voters took that right away. How does the government have the right to restrict rights? Last time I checked that was defined as Fascism. From our Declaration of Independence it states:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
These propositions are in complete violation of this sentence and our Bill of Rights. You are suppressing someones Rights, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
I'm not engaged in the homosexual lifestyle but I have no right to dictate the lives of someone else. Gays are American citizens too and they deserve the exact same rights as everyone else. They pay taxes, vote, and are law abiding citizens. Sorry religious people but you do not own the word "Marriage." It is not Marriage(TM). Nor do you have the right to take people's rights away because your book of fairy tales tells you it's bad. In what way exactly does gays getting married effect your rights? Sorry to inform religious people but scientists have discovered a genetic relation to homosexuality. They do not wake up one day and say, "Hmm I want to be gay today!" The ironic and funny thing is that the Mormon community funded the ban campaigns. Mormons practice polygamy! Does the government take their right away to do so? The government gave you your own state to be weird.
They also banned gay adoption in numerous states. Somehow being raised by a same sex couple can't be done. The children are better off in a foster home than being adopted by a loving family? The opposition's reasoning is just dumb because they try to fool you and say their religion is not the reason. We all know religion does not want this because their book of stupidity says it's bad. Somehow a child that is being taken care of by responsible parents of the same sex can't have normal lives. Raising a child has nothing to do with your sex, it has to do with if your a good person or not.
Will we ever live in a country in some point in time where all races, religions, and sexual orientations are created equal? We spread democracy and liberty to other countries but we do not practice it ourselves. There is something seriously wrong with that. When are people going to realize the hatred, violence, and oppression that religion represents? These are all great questions hopefully they are answered in my lifetime.
Create job derek, damn people are dumb