Do I know how Barack Obama will lead? No. I voted for him because I thought he would be the best for the job. I really have no clue what his plans are though. I'm not going to give my opinion of his leadership until he actually has the job though. We are facing some very challenging times and there is no magic solution. Contrary to belief Barack Obama cannot cure cancer his first day in office. Our federal goverment has three branches of government and also has checks and balances. This is not a dictatorship. Barack Obama cannot wave his arm in fury and get things done.
Please, also give George W. Bush a break. The problems of our country are not all on the President of United States. There are multiple causes to all the countries problems not just George W. Bush. Do I think he has made some bad decisions? Yes. I do not blame him for everything though. Some people are so obsessed with party politics that it blinds them to the real causes of our problems. Our country has become so fixated on placing blame that they do not use that same fixation to actually solve the problem. Focus on the present, not the past.
I'm not a fortune teller and neither is the media. I do not know what the future holds for us. I really hope though that Barack Obama steers us into the right direction. Once he is in office then we can criticize or praise his decisions. Until January 20th though please, SHUT THE F@!CK UP!