Monday, July 12, 2010

Jesse Jackson You Have Been Irrelevant For Far Too Long

I am a Cleveland sports fan and have been my entire life. It was of great surprise to me to hear Jesse Jackson getting involved with a matter of sports. The majority owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers Dan Gilbert had some direct words with Lebron James's decision to leave the city of Cleveland for Miami in a letter. If anyone was to witness Lebron James's fiasco that was put on display over his free agency. I would say that the fans of Cleveland and the Cavaliers ownership had every right to speak freely on this matter. Jesse Jackson on the other hand has no experience or relevance to this matter.

This issue has absolutely no relevance to race. In Jesse Jackson's warped mind he believes no one can show frustration or anger towards an African American without being framed as a racist or as he calls Gilbert a "Slave Master." He also believes Gilbert is treating Lebron like a "slave." I think it is just his way to get his name in the news because he is very egotistical to believe he speaks on behalf of all African Americans. There are many African Americans who are Cleveland Cavalier fans and that were just as angry with Lebron James as white fans were. To single out Gilbert because he is white and a sports owner is ridiculous. Dan Gilbert works with and is colleagues with probably many African Americans.

Jesse Jackson is the most divisive and inflammatory figure in politics today. For someone who crusades against African American stereotypes and injustices; he certainly does not practice what he preaches. I can't understand this guy because he worked with Martin Luther King who preached about peace and African American inclusiveness in America. In recent years he uses prejudice and divisiveness instead. Jesse Jackson sure does vent his anger and frustration at others that are not his skin color so what does that make him? A swell guy? I would say he has become exactly what he has crusaded against. Is Jesse Jackson just bored and decides to pick fights with any white person in the news he can find? He doesn't even know Dan Gilbert or even met the guy before in his life. What gives him the right to pass judgment on someone he doesn't even know other than he is white and wealthy? I mean seriously if Dan Gilbert was African American owner would he then have anything to say about his letter? Not at all. You criticized Barack Obama for not being black enough and criticized him for being honest about African American communities and life in America. Actually you wanted to "chop his balls off" for talking bad about African Americans. Great example of your craziness. Not every word out of Barack Obama's mouth was positive about African Americans. You criticized him for being honest. That should be evidence enough that you are a divider.

Jesse Jackson you need to look in the mirror and discover that it is YOU that is a racist and uses prejudice to divide.

Eat shit Lebron James and Jesse Jackson lol. Uh oh I must be a slave master!

Go Cavs!

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