Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What Happens When You Die?

With science and technology will humans ever be able to answer life's mysteries which we so desired answered? I think everyone has always debated in their mind about this very question. We always ask ourselves, does life end with death? People with faith and religion believe they already have the answers of life's mysteries. Those who do good go to heaven and those who do bad go to hell. The consensus of millions of people that have near death experiences is that you see a bright light at the end of a tunnel. Others have said, they're floating from the ceiling and can peer down on themselves. Critics believe that this is a biological reaction to the brain shutting down. It is a pretty scary prospect to think that our collective consciousness seizes to exist and our existence is erased when we die. I personally hope that something happens after death. I hope that my entire existence isn't based on the time frame of my life expectancy.

Apparently, researchers have developed drugs to slow down the process of death. Lets say that your heart stopped beating. These drugs would be able to give doctors a prolonged period of time to revive you. Technically slowing down the process of death. With this prolonged time frame of slowing down death's process, what does the patient experience? Millions of people explain that they still have a conscious even though vital organs are shutting down. If we were to slow down death for a long period of time, we would be able to research what is going on with you mentally and biologically after you die.

Personally, I don't presume to have the answer for the death mystery. I guess that we'll all find out someday when we die or if I have a near death experience. I personally believe in science and in due time science can answer all of these questions. I just personally hope we can answer a majority of these questions during my lifetime so I know what to expect lol. I mean how long did it take people to stop believing that world is flat? As my one friend told me, some people still do! The science fiction books and shows of the past were always said to be impossible. In science, I firmly believe that nothing is impossible.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Let The Swift Boating Begin!

Everyone knew that it wouldn't take very long for Neo-Cons to assemble another swift boat strategy to air in battleground states. Texas billionaire Harold Simmons is at it again! This is the same man who funded the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth." May I also add that he is a huge contributor to the McCain campaign. For those of you who don't remember who "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" are, here is a taste of it.

John Kerry volunteered for Vietnam and served his country proudly. They turned John Kerry into a War Criminal. John Kerry won the Congressional Medal of Honor. They usually give those to War Criminals? Even John McCain has defended John Kerry on the destructive methods of the Bush campaign. To smear someones military service for political gain, is just horrendous. This is the true mastermind of Karl Rove, "attack your opponents strengths." We are seeing this campaign vision in John McCain's strategy now. McCain is trying to claim and take Obama's message of "Change." Before the RNC it was "Experience." Another famous Roveian strategy is to convey a ton of falsehoods repeatedly until they become truth in the voters eyes. Though Karl Rove will deny it, he is fully cooperating with the McCain campaign. I can probably write an entire book on why Karl Rove is a scumbag but that's another topic entirely.

Now back on the topic of the new "Swift Boat" campaign. For a profile of William Ayers visit here. Ayers was involved in a group that took credit for bombings that included nonfatal blasts at the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol four decades ago. After he surrendered in 1980, charges against him were dropped because of prosecutorial misconduct. He was a liberal radical protester who condemned the Vietnam War. He took his protest way to far by setting bombs, but he never had any intention of killing innocent people. He has also condemned the attack of 9/11 by saying, "Today we are witnessing crimes against humanity on our own shores on an unthinkable scale, and I fear that we may soon see more innocent people in other parts of the world dying in response."

Now this is how Neo-Cons attempt to try to link Barack Obama to William Ayers's beliefs. They say they were friends on a "left wing board." Ayers is currently an American Distinguished Professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois of Chicago. They were on Woods Fund of Chicago, an anti-poverty, philanthropic foundation established in 1941. If being on an anti-poverty board is somehow bad, that's news to me. The fact that Obama has condemned Ayers actions in the 1960's and shared conversation with him, he automatically believes in his ideology? That is like saying that if I had a conversation with a convicted felon in the past, I will automaticallly commit his acts because I talked to him. The politics of association is getting pretty ridiculous.

It's also great to have a candidate like Barack Obama unlike John Kerry, who quickly disproves and fights back against the smears against him. You can attack another candidates policies and votes but to promote character assassination, should be condemned from modern politics. Honor and honesty seriously needs to be brought back to the Republican Party.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It's Human Nature, Stupid!

After viewing yet another Presidential election season, I have a theory to why we're always the same. Have you ever noticed that every election the issues are neglected and the same political strategy is the frontal observation of the American people? Voters would not pay attention to politics if all politicians did was to express their views on the issues thoroughly. That is like sitting in a classroom and listening to a teacher explain to you for two hours, on how the economy works. This is very boring. The candidates don't talk about the issues because they know what will really grab our attention: conflict, scandal, lies, etc. Just look inside yourself and take a look at all your interests. Every single interest you have relates to one of your emotions in some way.

Human beings are emotional creatures. The things that attract our attention and interests are things that feed into our emotions. We also love conflict because this excites our emotions fiercely. Have you ever witnessed a Democrat and Republican argue before? Whichever side of the political spectrum you're on, you're under the intense belief that you're right. You also have the impulsive behavior of trying to persuade others of your beliefs. Why is there war? One side thinks they're right, the other side believes the same. The result is that each side is willing to use force to enact their opinion on each other. Also, look at patriotism. Whichever country you were to go to, they would be under the belief that they are the greatest country in the world. I think it's humorous how some people think they are above all this. All you are doing is lying about your own humanity and we all know you're the same. You just rather hide it. Human beings opinions are their lifeblood and will defend them without restraint.

The media is brilliant because they have it to a science on what we want to watch. If the media did not spin a story to either be more exciting or scary, nobody would watch. The media always uses very strong words to describe the story. For example, crisis, meltdown, attack, war, etc. This will never change because our DNA will never change. Unless we were to evolve somehow without emotions.

All I have to say is instead of complaining all the time, sit back and enjoy the show. Defend your opinion and candidate because arguing is human. To deny your own humanity is to deny reality. Our emotions will always control our lives and we cannot change our species. There will never be peace, harmony, and happiness. We are human; we do not agree with each other unless forced to with military might! lol

Saturday, September 13, 2008

When Did Intelligence and Honesty Become a Bad Thing?

It is really hard to explain what is going on in the modern political climate nowadays. When American people consider intelligence and telling the truth as being negative or as the right wing calls it, being "Elitist." I don't know about you but I would like the people I vote for to be vastly more intelligent than I am. Nowadays the American people want someone they can relate to or to be just like them. According to the incredibly famous poll of the 2004 Presidential election, "Who you would most likely have a beer with?" Barack Obama was raised by a single mother who got by on food stamps and low income. He also needed college loans to support himself in college where he majored in political science, international relations, and constitutional law. In our country today graduating from Harvard Law in these three important Federal Government majors is perceived as a negative? People would rather go to a barbecue or have a beer with their President rather than using their brain, to help the American people? They also say being a good speaker is a negative. Most people who say that do not understand how leadership works. A quality in which I look for in a President. Great leaders lead with their words. Some of our greatest Presidents were great speakers. Look at the great speeches of the past and ask yourself, were they good leaders? In the military would you have faith in your commanders decisions if they didn't inspire you? Anyone remember Patton? Washington?

The majority of the country has lost all faith in our government. I came to this conclusion from looking at approval ratings of the President and Congress. Majority of the country also believes that we're on the wrong tack. When Barack Obama said,
"And it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
I agree it was a wrong choice of words but it couldn't be any closer to the truth. When anyone has economic hardships, they point blame. Most people then retreat to things that give them comfort. Barack Obama has also said, that to survive in the Global Economy we are going to have to better educate ourselves to compete with the world. The factory/labor jobs are becoming something of the past because technology advances and there are cheaper and easier ways to do things then to pay a worker. When Barack Obama shoots down the "Gas Tax Holiday" as political pandering and pointless by every single partisan and non-partisan economist, he is called out-of-touch.

I'm beginning to lose faith in the American people if being smart and honest are negatives in your eyes.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Hippocrisy of Glenn Beck

After reading this article it just made me say, wow! I don't know if anyone has ever read Glenn Beck's articles or ever watched him on TV. Glenn Beck has been smearing Barack Obama for over a year now. Now that his party has a VP candidate where many questions have arose about her. He defends her without restraint. Anyone else see the irony here? Barack Obama was a political unknown for quite some time when he officially announced his candidacy for President. For almost 19 months now his record, past, and values have been under intense scrutiny by the media and the right. Did Barack Obama once, blame the media, or pull out his racist card? The answer is no. What is the famous Republican scapegoat for any criticism about any of their candidates? The media is. What is the accusation for questioning Sarah Palin's record, past, and values? Sexism is. Republican's you can defend your candidate but don't pull the sexist card because it's completely hippocritical. I don't mind you blame the media because most televised media is ridiculous but you also use the media to cover your events and speeches, so don't act like you're above it.

Sarah Palin is a political unknown and for many Americans they want to know what she is about. You have to expect to receive an intense investigation about your background. Barack Obama has survived it, now it's your turn. To Sarah Palin's credit, yes some of the accusations are ridiculous but so were Obama's. I'm also sure that most of the stories are complete falsehoods but this is American politics, falsehoods sell.

Glenn Beck also used to heavily criticize John McCain as a Republican Primary candidate because he wasn't hardcore conservative enough for him. Glenn Beck also would constantly bring up that Obama was a Muslim, black liberation theologists, and a racist. Now that his VP pick is under the microscope, he doesn't like it too much. When Barack Obama was under the microscope it made me upset, yea but I understood why. He was an unknown at the time. Get a life Glenn Beck!

Glenn Beck approves this message. He doesn't smear?