After reading this article it just made me say, wow! I don't know if anyone has ever read Glenn Beck's articles or ever watched him on TV. Glenn Beck has been smearing Barack Obama for over a year now. Now that his party has a VP candidate where many questions have arose about her. He defends her without restraint. Anyone else see the irony here? Barack Obama was a political unknown for quite some time when he officially announced his candidacy for President. For almost 19 months now his record, past, and values have been under intense scrutiny by the media and the right. Did Barack Obama once, blame the media, or pull out his racist card? The answer is no. What is the famous Republican scapegoat for any criticism about any of their candidates? The media is. What is the accusation for questioning Sarah Palin's record, past, and values? Sexism is. Republican's you can defend your candidate but don't pull the sexist card because it's completely hippocritical. I don't mind you blame the media because most televised media is ridiculous but you also use the media to cover your events and speeches, so don't act like you're above it.
Sarah Palin is a political unknown and for many Americans they want to know what she is about. You have to expect to receive an intense investigation about your background. Barack Obama has survived it, now it's your turn. To Sarah Palin's credit, yes some of the accusations are ridiculous but so were Obama's. I'm also sure that most of the stories are complete falsehoods but this is American politics, falsehoods sell.
Glenn Beck also used to heavily criticize John McCain as a Republican Primary candidate because he wasn't hardcore conservative enough for him. Glenn Beck also would constantly bring up that Obama was a Muslim, black liberation theologists, and a racist. Now that his VP pick is under the microscope, he doesn't like it too much. When Barack Obama was under the microscope it made me upset, yea but I understood why. He was an unknown at the time. Get a life Glenn Beck!
Glenn Beck approves this message. He doesn't smear?
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