Thursday, October 23, 2008

Why You Should Vote For Barack Obama

This year it is an immensely important election. This is the first year in a very long time where an incumbent President or Vice President is not running for President of the United States. Essentially this election is a clean slate from past policies. There are two very qualified and interesting candidates running. Policy wise, there is huge contrast between both of their approaches to run this country. I've always liked John McCain and his views from not always seeing eye to eye with his party. The thing I really have disdain for is his campaign though, not him personally. This election more than any other I have dissected these two candidates for almost two years now. If I took a test about the life and political history of these two candidates, I would ace it. I have come to the conclusion that I want Barack Obama to be my next President of the United States.

Leadership: This is quintessentially the most important factor I look at for choosing a candidate. Barack Obama has the extraordinary ability to unite people and inspire them. He understands that all of America is united under one banner. We aren't separated from our Blue-State and Red-States. To have the courage and audacity to campaign in a state that never votes Democrat shows me that he cares about the American people, not what party your from. When is the last time you have seen a Democratic Nominee gather 100,000 people in the Red-State of Missouri? This is the great thing about him. He is exciting and inspiring people that are Republican and have different views from his own. A good leader is only as good as the people who will follow him. When you can gather Republicans, Independents, and Clinton Democrats to your side from your leadership, that is really impressive. We are the United States of America and we all are American citizens, no matter your beliefs, religion, or race. I believe he truly understands the essence of that. Once you understand that fully, you can lead our country.

Compassion: Another factor I look for in a President is if he cares more about the American people more than himself or his party. Our government is set up so "We the People" are the employers of our politicians. The President is a representative of the people. I believe that Barack Obama really cares about the struggles of the common person. The reason I believe this is he was born from the common person. He wasn't born into privileged or had a last name that got him ahead. I believe he is more in-touch with everyday Americans. A President who fights for the people's well being is someone I would like to hire. Everyone remember Joe the Plummer? Watch the full context of the whole video of Obama's interaction with him:

This is obviously someone who disagrees with him but have you ever seen that kind of compassion that Obama gave Joe? Barack Obama didn't just give Joe some talking point garbage. He tried his best to answer Joe's question. This speaks volumes to me because I've never seen a politician want to talk to someone who challenges their policies. He also doesn't let the negativity and pressure get to him. He always remains calm and keeps moving forward. He has been receiving flak about himself for over a year now and it just bounces off of him like it was nothing. Having the will power and temperament like that is what I want for President of the United States. These are traits you have seen in Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.

Intelligence: This is important to me because it tells me a person is willing to look at an issue logically and realistically. Foreign Policy for example: Barack Obama is willing to be tough and diplomatic at the same time. He is willing to seek justice on those who committed a terrible crime but at the same time look out for the well being for the men and women who serve this country. War is ugly and horrible but he understands that sometimes in this world that it is necessary to protect our country. We are not the only country who lives on this planet and he understands that there is no "I" in team. The only true way to smother Terrorism is to work with our allies. Terrorism is not a country or an army, it is an ideal. We cannot do this by ourselves and demand things from other countries. Terrorism happens in all countries not just our own. This is a very logical perspective instead of a brash and dangerous one. All of our greatest leaders were highly intelligent. Intelligence is something to covet not to shun. Making decisions spontaneously or spur of the moment can be dangerous without thinking them out to the full extend. Barack Obama is willing to look at the big picture and not just the current situation. You have to logically think of all your consequences of your short-term actions.

Now John McCain wouldn't be a horrible President just not what I specifically look for. I believe he can do a good job but he just hasn't proven it fully to me. I blame this more on his campaign then him personally because I've seen John McCain of the past and I have liked him. In these tough times I want a steady hand of leadership not someone who changes their message every week. I guess we will all find out November 4th who the next President of the United States will be. So everyone enable their Constitutional right and vote. I know who I will be voting for and this is the best case I can make for my candidate. I know some will disagree with me and that is ok because you have the right to. Some will tell me you are voting for him only because he is the "Messiah" or because he is African American. If Barack Obama was a homsexual muslim and had the same ideas I would vote for him. To judge people is a horrible practice. Your race, religion, sexual orientation, or party doesn't dictate the true nature of who you are.

I'll leave you with this:

Obama '08 - Vote For Hope from MC Yogi on Vimeo.

Monday, October 20, 2008


People are now yelling, "Obama is a Socialist!" This is the reason why I believe the United States have the dumbest voters in the world. Guess what, imbeciles? We have many aspects of Socialism in our government. Most people will say, "We are not Commies!" Our economy is a mix of Capitalism and Socialism. Our government is a mix of Democracy, Republic, and Socialism. Our own U.S. Constitution has some socialistic views in the form of Amendments.

I bet you are asking yourself, how can that be? Let's start with taxes. Any government that taxes their people is considered a socialistic view. Every tax is a redistribution of wealth. It is impossible to claim that your tax plan is not a redistribution of wealth. Let me repeat, IMPOSSIBLE! McCain's plan is a redistribution of wealth and so is Obama's. The percentages are just changed from their plans. The fact is that all taxes, no matter the percentages, takes wealth from people and redistributes it. The policy of government tax, is socialistic. There are only two certainties in life, Death and Taxes!

I'm sure there are people out there that are disagreeing with me. Ever heard of the IRS, Social Security, Homeland Security, Bank Nationalization, Unemployment Benefits, etc? I could write all of the socialistic programs that the United States has but I would fill up this entire entry. Any program that is run by the government and is funded by the people is considered socialism. The U.S. Constitution puts restrictions on the people called Amendments. Prohibition and allowing Federal Income Tax are the two which the government sought power over people. That would be considered socialistic as well.

Now to explain exactly what Socialism is. Our government consists of partial governmental control without restricting the rights of it's people. It protects people's rights. By restricting the rights of people would be a full blown Socialism. By having no governmental control that would lean more toward anarchy. I think our Founding Fathers had the right idea of providing a mix of both. Most European countries are Democratic Socialism's. Some say we are a full blown Republic. We do have some aspects of a Republic and Democracy by electing politicians to represent us in government and our three branches of government. It's the laws and policies our politicians that push us closer to socialism.

We should talk about the attack of Socialism. Democrats and Republicans have used this form of attack throughout history. They do this because they associate Socialism with the U.S.S.R. aka Russia, Cuba, and China. Our great enemies. The United States spent millions to scare people into hating Socialism and Communism. Anyone remember the Vietnam War? This is exactly why politicians use it as a campaign tactic. People fear the prospect of that form of government. They don't even realize we have aspects of it in ours. People need to wake up and realize that they are being brainwashed by fear tactics. Use your brain!


Friday, October 17, 2008

Omg!! Our Presidential Candidates Are Human?

Barack Obama

John McCain

I bet we all thought that they were political robots following their orders. The fact is that these guys are human and they both understand that a campaign is a competition. They really do not hate one another behind the lens. The fact of the matter is that they want to win. It is both of their ambitions. It is the highest stepping stone in a political career. I also know that most of these jokes weren't written by themselves because frankly they are too funny to be written by a politician. All these radical Democrats and Republicans need to stop taking political attacks so seriously. It is a show, folks. Shimmer down now!

Monday, October 13, 2008

The American People Are Their Own Worst Enemy

The United States of America is a great place to live. We live in a free society and are able to make any choices to dictate our lives. The problem with most Americans are that they are so quick to blame outside factors for the problems in their lives. The United States Government is a body that protects its people, creates laws, and enforces laws. The ultimate factor of how your life turns out, is your own responsibility.

Everybody has problems and hardships in their lives. You aren't unique if you think so. In our form of government it does not force the outcome of your life. Government can either make the road bumpy or smooth to your goals, it cannot change your direction. They can open the door for you but you ultimately have to step through it. Government cannot fix your life because if they did, we would not be free anymore. Each election, people somehow think by having a new person in the office that they can somehow fix your problems. We have the three branches of the Federal Government, not one with ultimate power. Your financial, educational, and living decisions are all in your hands, not the government's. It's the most convenient thing in the world to point blame. How do you blame something on another factor when you ultimately control the outcome? How does that make sense? No one is chaining you down or forcing you to make your choices. Our government outlines the pathway for Americans but you are the one who has to travel it!

Life is how well you can take punches and being able to pick yourself up, when you fall down. Every American gets punches thrown their way. Some Americans who get knocked down want help to get back up because that is the easy way. That is not how life works in our free society. You cannot expect help, you have to fight back and fix the problem on your own. Government cannot pick you up because it's against our Constitution. The government can give you a helpful push halfway but the rest is up to you.

Every politician knows that the American people have some blame to the causes of our countries problems. They cannot say that though because no one likes to bare the burden of blame and we are the ones who employ our politicians. Would you tell your boss he is doing a bad job? People have a very hard time to put blame for their actions to themselves. We have the ultimate power in a Democratic society, the power of the vote. If you do not like the policies of a politician and voted for that politician, it's your fault.

The sooner you are able to take self responsibility for your own actions, the sooner your life will improve. You can only solve a problem if you know the cause of that problem. The only way to change, is if you want change. Both candidates talk about change but the choice of if you want change, comes down to you. Some people have more hardships then others but how is complaining going to solve your problems? Do work America!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Stupid Vote

This video pretty much sums up my position on the so-called, "Independents" and "Undecided" voters. You've had almost four months of a general election campaign to research the candidate's policies and positions. You've also had time to fact-check their stances and attacks. Now you are sitting in the little rooms with CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC with your "response-o-meters" to make squiggly lines on the bottom of the screen. If you make your choice for President based on the debates, kill yourself please. This way we will have more intelligent voters the next time around. The candidates are never going to answer fully your questions in detail because they are politicians! What presidential campaign can you remember where they would answer questions in full detail? You have to do the research on your own. Get over yourself and pick a candidate already!

The reason they do not do this is for two reasons. One, they do not want to bore voters with a lecture on their policies. Did you ever go to school and listen to teachers? Did you have fun listening to a lecture? Two, laying out their plans in full detail gives the opponent ammunition for attack. This will give the opponent tons of bait to nit-pick in a plan. If you want detail, they have a little more detail on their websites. Also there is plenty of independent websites that lay out each of the candidate's plan and previous policies.

Now to all those who aren't voting for Obama/Biden '08:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lets Take Another Look And Calm Down!

I think all Americans need to just slow down and take another look at the state of this race. Some of the more recent news has started to anger me quite a bit. The recent news is that the McCain campaign is going to start formally initiating their character assassination of Barack Obama. After taking another look at these recent developments, I'm really not that angry anymore. I'm not a huge fan of the strategy but I can understand it. It's like a sports rivalry, you'll always get angry when someone insults your team.

Americans need to start looking at campaigns in the form of competitions which is exactly how the separate campaigns look at it. I'm starting to look at campaigns as a real time strategy game, where the voters are the resources and campaign tactics are your units. You win by collecting the most resources and destroying the other teams bases which represent the states. I don't believe John McCain, George W. Bush, and Republicans are evil people like some on my liberal team suggest. They just have opinions and views that I just don't agree with. If I met these people in real life, I probably could have an interesting conversation with them. Most of my friends are Republicans and conservative in their views and we are good friends with each other.

Being President is the ambition and dream for every politician because it's the highest office you can attain. Each candidate will use tactics that will flirt with ethics because they know people buy into it. Liberals, Barack Obama is not a completely innocent and a truthful candidate. He has said and used some things that are misleading about McCain's record. McCain has also done the same thing on Obama's record. People, Barack Obama and John McCain want to win, period! John McCain is trailing right now in the competition. John McCain has used several different tactics to see if he can break Obama's defenses. First there was Experience vs. Change, then Change vs. Change, and now it's going to be Character vs. Change. The bottom line is that McCain is losing and he has to try something new. Would you rather just be a footnote in history as the guy who lost or become President of the United States and always be remembered? It's human nature to want only the best for yourself. No one likes to lose, if you do, you're not human! John McCain is 72 years old and this is his last chance to become President. Do you really blame the guy for fighting for what he really has desired? The odds are overwhelmingly stack up against him. He has an incumbent party President who is very unpopular and a economy that is currently faltering. Obama hasn't had to change his tactic yet because nothing has beaten it yet. Now if Obama was trailing in polls, I guarantee you it would change.

Of course Republicans are going to use the character argument against Obama because they know it works. Hillary Clinton, a Democrat has done it so do you still think it's not a competition? Personally I say bring it on because I don't think it's going to work in this kind of election. This election that is dominated by the issue of the economy. I totally understand though why McCain will use it. I don't think he is evil for using it. If Democrats thought of it first, I assure you, they would have used it against Republicans. They want to win just as much as Republicans. I believe it will be a losing argument because if it will hurt Obama so much then why is he the Democratic nominee? McCain is running out of cards though and with little time left, he has to see if he can bring down the stronghold.

Politics is like a gift with shiny expensive wrapping paper. It looks like a awesome gift on the outside but politicians don't want you to see the mediocrity on the inside. Most politicians are just regular guys that want to run the country. In their eyes, they have their ideas for what their presidency will be like. When they get into office though, they are brought back down to earth on what they can realistically accomplish. All the glitz and glamor that is put in front of your eyes, is a facade. Candidates are salesman and they are selling themselves to the American people as best as they can.

My fellow liberals we don't have to get all red eyed and angry about this new tactic. We need to find a tactic that counters and beats it. Barack Obama is not John Kerry. John Kerry would just ignore the attacks. Barack Obama is going to fight back against the barrage of Republican gun fire! Barack Obama is my candidate and I have faith he will prevail in this election. Angry liberals you have to understand this is a competition. Don't use anger as your defense because Barack Obama isn't innocent in his misleading statements. Barack Obama is a African-American and he understands fully the odds that are stacked against him. When you get overly angry you fall right into Republican's trap. They want you to get angry so they can blame you of bias and bullying. Keep your cool and use the power of facts and your brain to fight back. I admit sometimes I put on my liberal glasses when I read things and it blinds my logic. I eventually always come back to reality though and look at the big picture.


P.S. Bring it on Ryan! lol

Friday, October 3, 2008

Debates, What Are They Good For?

According to the media, was I watching the debate or the Super Bowl? At least the Super Bowl would have been more exciting. All these debates do is get people fired up to be interested in a dismal subject of politics for those that don't find it interesting. Most people already know who they're voting for and a debate isn't going to sway their decision.

Now, I hear all about these so called "Undecided" and "Independent" voters. These people are full of themselves because they just want to feel special so that a candidate can just work a little harder to sway them. If these people need a sound bite driven debate to sway their political decision, you have no brain. You want to make your decision, try reading and researching. People are Independent in this country because it is the cool thing to do. They love to think they're above politics. It's called smugness. It's just like when Hybrids first hit the scene and people who bought them thought they were making a difference and scalded those who didn't own one. I don't care how Independent you think you are but you must have your own beliefs and views. Those beliefs and views fall under one side of the political spectrum. If you would do some research on your candidate, you would know exactly which you identify with. We then wouldn't have to waste our time with these over-hyped spectacles called debates, that have no substance.

At the end of these debates it's the greatest thing in the world, each side declares victory! No matter if the opponent did god awful, they'll always claim victory. You really can't win debates because it is two opinions head butting each other. It's human nature that when we have an opinion to think our opinion is right. The only real way to decide who won a debate is to see how people vote on November 4th.

I'm an Obama supporter and I admit it but I already knew I was going to vote for him a long time ago. I know Obama's and McCain's policies inside and out. I identify more with Obama. I really hope Americans don't make their decision based off of debates but I think that's a fool's hope. Most Americans would rather have a President they can relate to rather than who has a better plan for the future of our country. There's a ton of people that I relate to but I don't think they're qualified to be President!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wake Up America!

The United States of America has now become the brainwashed country of the world. There is a huge difference between political philosophies and political parties. Some people are conservative and some are liberal in their views. Political parties are more like a sports rivalry that Americans get spoon fed to fire you up. Political parties know their voting demographic like a sniper's cross hair on your head. During campaigns politicians say and do things to coddle to the beliefs of a certain type of people. This is why politicians hire these highly intelligent campaign operatives. They shape and mold a candidate to what they think voters want to hear. Why do you think when a politician is elected that they do vastly different things than they've talked about in their campaign? Voting for our politicians in the end is a gamble because we never really know what their agenda is until elected.

First lets talk about the two major political parties of our country. We have Democrats and Republicans who are the choices we have for the President of the United States. If you look at the history of these two parties they have changed back and forth. The reason they have changed throughout history is because their voting demographic has changed. Politicians and parties shape their policy views based on what is popular with their constituents. For example lets talk about the Iraq War. If the majority of people in this country supported the war overwhelmingly, do you really think Democrats would be opposed to keep pursuing it? Lets look at the Economic crisis right now. Do you really believe that Republicans in their campaigns will push for more deregulation? It's all about voters and adopting policies that is popular with their voting demographic. Whenever a political party adopts a new policy position, they have to sell it to the American people. They brainwash their voters with their talking points, that are repeated religiously. If you hear something repeatedly, you will eventually begin to believe it. The majority of people who believe in these talking points, don't follow politics very much. The vast majority of the country doesn't follow politics which is exactly what parties want. They prey on the uninformed because they know the people who are knowledgeable in politics, know better. Republicans and Democrats are both guilty of these practices and there is no innocent politicians associated with a party.

I openly admit that I am more liberal in my views. I also admit when I was younger that I would believe that Republicans were the enemy and everything they did was evil. This is because I never really had a huge interest in politics when I was younger and would just believe everything Democrats told me. Now I believe that both Republicans and Democrats are equally deceptive in their agendas to brainwash their voters. The politicians have to go along side with one of these parties because campaigns cost money and the parties have a ton of it. Each party uses fear and doubt about their rivals to win a election. In the end we really don't know who we are voting for. Like I said it's a gamble because each candidate in their mind has their own agenda on how they want to shape our country. Once they are elected they don't have to worry about their voting demographic as much until it is nearing election season once again. Now that I am more informed, I try to vote for the politician that meets my core beliefs not what a party says I should. If the Republican party in the future starts to appeal to my beliefs, they would get my vote. I firmly believe that a politicians past will determine their agenda for the future. So America wake up and research your candidate, so that political parties will stop the deception!