Monday, October 13, 2008

The American People Are Their Own Worst Enemy

The United States of America is a great place to live. We live in a free society and are able to make any choices to dictate our lives. The problem with most Americans are that they are so quick to blame outside factors for the problems in their lives. The United States Government is a body that protects its people, creates laws, and enforces laws. The ultimate factor of how your life turns out, is your own responsibility.

Everybody has problems and hardships in their lives. You aren't unique if you think so. In our form of government it does not force the outcome of your life. Government can either make the road bumpy or smooth to your goals, it cannot change your direction. They can open the door for you but you ultimately have to step through it. Government cannot fix your life because if they did, we would not be free anymore. Each election, people somehow think by having a new person in the office that they can somehow fix your problems. We have the three branches of the Federal Government, not one with ultimate power. Your financial, educational, and living decisions are all in your hands, not the government's. It's the most convenient thing in the world to point blame. How do you blame something on another factor when you ultimately control the outcome? How does that make sense? No one is chaining you down or forcing you to make your choices. Our government outlines the pathway for Americans but you are the one who has to travel it!

Life is how well you can take punches and being able to pick yourself up, when you fall down. Every American gets punches thrown their way. Some Americans who get knocked down want help to get back up because that is the easy way. That is not how life works in our free society. You cannot expect help, you have to fight back and fix the problem on your own. Government cannot pick you up because it's against our Constitution. The government can give you a helpful push halfway but the rest is up to you.

Every politician knows that the American people have some blame to the causes of our countries problems. They cannot say that though because no one likes to bare the burden of blame and we are the ones who employ our politicians. Would you tell your boss he is doing a bad job? People have a very hard time to put blame for their actions to themselves. We have the ultimate power in a Democratic society, the power of the vote. If you do not like the policies of a politician and voted for that politician, it's your fault.

The sooner you are able to take self responsibility for your own actions, the sooner your life will improve. You can only solve a problem if you know the cause of that problem. The only way to change, is if you want change. Both candidates talk about change but the choice of if you want change, comes down to you. Some people have more hardships then others but how is complaining going to solve your problems? Do work America!


  1. Derek was this you again? Wow they keep getting better each time. Im starting to wear off on you lol. I agree there is not nearly enough accountability in this country. Everyone wants to blame the president or make excuses. People need to start realizing this a lot more. Great job Derek and get ready for your liberal friends to not like this one as well.

  2. Republicans and Democrats blame things on outside factors like government. This has nothing to do with being liberal or conservative. You ultimately are the only one who can change your life.

  3. I hear way more democrats complaining that they need change or things need to get better. Mostly because most democrats are poorer compared to Republicans so they are always bitching for more.
