Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lets Take Another Look And Calm Down!

I think all Americans need to just slow down and take another look at the state of this race. Some of the more recent news has started to anger me quite a bit. The recent news is that the McCain campaign is going to start formally initiating their character assassination of Barack Obama. After taking another look at these recent developments, I'm really not that angry anymore. I'm not a huge fan of the strategy but I can understand it. It's like a sports rivalry, you'll always get angry when someone insults your team.

Americans need to start looking at campaigns in the form of competitions which is exactly how the separate campaigns look at it. I'm starting to look at campaigns as a real time strategy game, where the voters are the resources and campaign tactics are your units. You win by collecting the most resources and destroying the other teams bases which represent the states. I don't believe John McCain, George W. Bush, and Republicans are evil people like some on my liberal team suggest. They just have opinions and views that I just don't agree with. If I met these people in real life, I probably could have an interesting conversation with them. Most of my friends are Republicans and conservative in their views and we are good friends with each other.

Being President is the ambition and dream for every politician because it's the highest office you can attain. Each candidate will use tactics that will flirt with ethics because they know people buy into it. Liberals, Barack Obama is not a completely innocent and a truthful candidate. He has said and used some things that are misleading about McCain's record. McCain has also done the same thing on Obama's record. People, Barack Obama and John McCain want to win, period! John McCain is trailing right now in the competition. John McCain has used several different tactics to see if he can break Obama's defenses. First there was Experience vs. Change, then Change vs. Change, and now it's going to be Character vs. Change. The bottom line is that McCain is losing and he has to try something new. Would you rather just be a footnote in history as the guy who lost or become President of the United States and always be remembered? It's human nature to want only the best for yourself. No one likes to lose, if you do, you're not human! John McCain is 72 years old and this is his last chance to become President. Do you really blame the guy for fighting for what he really has desired? The odds are overwhelmingly stack up against him. He has an incumbent party President who is very unpopular and a economy that is currently faltering. Obama hasn't had to change his tactic yet because nothing has beaten it yet. Now if Obama was trailing in polls, I guarantee you it would change.

Of course Republicans are going to use the character argument against Obama because they know it works. Hillary Clinton, a Democrat has done it so do you still think it's not a competition? Personally I say bring it on because I don't think it's going to work in this kind of election. This election that is dominated by the issue of the economy. I totally understand though why McCain will use it. I don't think he is evil for using it. If Democrats thought of it first, I assure you, they would have used it against Republicans. They want to win just as much as Republicans. I believe it will be a losing argument because if it will hurt Obama so much then why is he the Democratic nominee? McCain is running out of cards though and with little time left, he has to see if he can bring down the stronghold.

Politics is like a gift with shiny expensive wrapping paper. It looks like a awesome gift on the outside but politicians don't want you to see the mediocrity on the inside. Most politicians are just regular guys that want to run the country. In their eyes, they have their ideas for what their presidency will be like. When they get into office though, they are brought back down to earth on what they can realistically accomplish. All the glitz and glamor that is put in front of your eyes, is a facade. Candidates are salesman and they are selling themselves to the American people as best as they can.

My fellow liberals we don't have to get all red eyed and angry about this new tactic. We need to find a tactic that counters and beats it. Barack Obama is not John Kerry. John Kerry would just ignore the attacks. Barack Obama is going to fight back against the barrage of Republican gun fire! Barack Obama is my candidate and I have faith he will prevail in this election. Angry liberals you have to understand this is a competition. Don't use anger as your defense because Barack Obama isn't innocent in his misleading statements. Barack Obama is a African-American and he understands fully the odds that are stacked against him. When you get overly angry you fall right into Republican's trap. They want you to get angry so they can blame you of bias and bullying. Keep your cool and use the power of facts and your brain to fight back. I admit sometimes I put on my liberal glasses when I read things and it blinds my logic. I eventually always come back to reality though and look at the big picture.


P.S. Bring it on Ryan! lol


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't think McCain has any idea what he is doing now. He is grasping for straws, and it really won't work. If Hillary Clinton and her machine could not take down Obama, then John McCain doesn't stand a chance.

  3. Great article Derek. I don't like agreeing with you though. People bad mouth us republicans for swift boat adds and playing dirty. Everyone plays dirty. The saddest part of it all, is it works. I'm sure most libs will read this and jump all over McCain like the poster above me crying foul play. Well politics now a days are 70% popularity and 30% issues. And my boy John is losing by a lot right now and this is his last ditch effort. I wish he could run on the issues but too many people are blinded by the Messiah so he has to resort to crap like this.

  4. You listen to way too much Rush Limbaugh, Ryan! lol

    The Messiah has split the Red Sea like Moses. There is video evidence, just waiting for someone to post it on YouTube!


  5. Great post I couldn't agree more this is a competion at its core, gret post. They both have done and will continue to do things that they themselves may not agree with.
