Thursday, October 23, 2008

Why You Should Vote For Barack Obama

This year it is an immensely important election. This is the first year in a very long time where an incumbent President or Vice President is not running for President of the United States. Essentially this election is a clean slate from past policies. There are two very qualified and interesting candidates running. Policy wise, there is huge contrast between both of their approaches to run this country. I've always liked John McCain and his views from not always seeing eye to eye with his party. The thing I really have disdain for is his campaign though, not him personally. This election more than any other I have dissected these two candidates for almost two years now. If I took a test about the life and political history of these two candidates, I would ace it. I have come to the conclusion that I want Barack Obama to be my next President of the United States.

Leadership: This is quintessentially the most important factor I look at for choosing a candidate. Barack Obama has the extraordinary ability to unite people and inspire them. He understands that all of America is united under one banner. We aren't separated from our Blue-State and Red-States. To have the courage and audacity to campaign in a state that never votes Democrat shows me that he cares about the American people, not what party your from. When is the last time you have seen a Democratic Nominee gather 100,000 people in the Red-State of Missouri? This is the great thing about him. He is exciting and inspiring people that are Republican and have different views from his own. A good leader is only as good as the people who will follow him. When you can gather Republicans, Independents, and Clinton Democrats to your side from your leadership, that is really impressive. We are the United States of America and we all are American citizens, no matter your beliefs, religion, or race. I believe he truly understands the essence of that. Once you understand that fully, you can lead our country.

Compassion: Another factor I look for in a President is if he cares more about the American people more than himself or his party. Our government is set up so "We the People" are the employers of our politicians. The President is a representative of the people. I believe that Barack Obama really cares about the struggles of the common person. The reason I believe this is he was born from the common person. He wasn't born into privileged or had a last name that got him ahead. I believe he is more in-touch with everyday Americans. A President who fights for the people's well being is someone I would like to hire. Everyone remember Joe the Plummer? Watch the full context of the whole video of Obama's interaction with him:

This is obviously someone who disagrees with him but have you ever seen that kind of compassion that Obama gave Joe? Barack Obama didn't just give Joe some talking point garbage. He tried his best to answer Joe's question. This speaks volumes to me because I've never seen a politician want to talk to someone who challenges their policies. He also doesn't let the negativity and pressure get to him. He always remains calm and keeps moving forward. He has been receiving flak about himself for over a year now and it just bounces off of him like it was nothing. Having the will power and temperament like that is what I want for President of the United States. These are traits you have seen in Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.

Intelligence: This is important to me because it tells me a person is willing to look at an issue logically and realistically. Foreign Policy for example: Barack Obama is willing to be tough and diplomatic at the same time. He is willing to seek justice on those who committed a terrible crime but at the same time look out for the well being for the men and women who serve this country. War is ugly and horrible but he understands that sometimes in this world that it is necessary to protect our country. We are not the only country who lives on this planet and he understands that there is no "I" in team. The only true way to smother Terrorism is to work with our allies. Terrorism is not a country or an army, it is an ideal. We cannot do this by ourselves and demand things from other countries. Terrorism happens in all countries not just our own. This is a very logical perspective instead of a brash and dangerous one. All of our greatest leaders were highly intelligent. Intelligence is something to covet not to shun. Making decisions spontaneously or spur of the moment can be dangerous without thinking them out to the full extend. Barack Obama is willing to look at the big picture and not just the current situation. You have to logically think of all your consequences of your short-term actions.

Now John McCain wouldn't be a horrible President just not what I specifically look for. I believe he can do a good job but he just hasn't proven it fully to me. I blame this more on his campaign then him personally because I've seen John McCain of the past and I have liked him. In these tough times I want a steady hand of leadership not someone who changes their message every week. I guess we will all find out November 4th who the next President of the United States will be. So everyone enable their Constitutional right and vote. I know who I will be voting for and this is the best case I can make for my candidate. I know some will disagree with me and that is ok because you have the right to. Some will tell me you are voting for him only because he is the "Messiah" or because he is African American. If Barack Obama was a homsexual muslim and had the same ideas I would vote for him. To judge people is a horrible practice. Your race, religion, sexual orientation, or party doesn't dictate the true nature of who you are.

I'll leave you with this:

Obama '08 - Vote For Hope from MC Yogi on Vimeo.


  1. Great blog, this is one of the most important elections in US history... heres something to help in the fight...

  2. They say every election is the most important. Yes he is the messiah and I know your not voting for him because he thinks he is. You agree with his policies which i respect, but 80% of his supports are all blinded by this image that has been created.

  3. I just meant it is important to the fact that a incumbent President or Vice President isn't running. It's very rare throughout history. 80%. lol Man your impossible. lol

  4. "To judge people is a horrible practice. Your race, religion, sexual orientation, or party doesn't dictate the true nature of who you are."

    I completely agree with this. Unfortunately, how do we break people of this mindset, especially the extremists such as 'Crazy Tracy.' This kind of prejustice is completely unjustified! I mean honestly, what kind of faith does she believe John McCain really believes in?

    "For one thing, McCain does not have evangelical credentials. He's an Episcopalian who has attended his wife's Southern Baptist church for 15 years but has never been baptized. He cannot claim a personal "testimony" or conversion story. He almost never talks about his faith, and he did not respond to several interview requests from NPR."

    P.S. Dude, your Blogger account hates me. It is doing it's damnedest to prevent me from commenting!

  5. Hmm what kind of problems are you having? I tried to remove all of the annoyances in my comment section.

    I'm really glad Obama and McCain tried to keep religion out of the race as much as possible. It has no place in government. That would be great if all the religious psychos wouldn't vote then more Democrats would win haha.

  6. I think it's just something between Blogger and Firefox. I switched over to Safari and it was problem-free, so hopefully it's nothing that will spread to the other browsers.

  7. You know I just don't see eye to eye with his policies, he is a great speaker and seems like he would be a good President. With that said I don't agree with a lot of McCain's policies either. But I can't get past the spreading the wealth ideas and socialized medicine. I agree with lowering health care costs but socialized medicine isn't the way.
