Monday, October 20, 2008


People are now yelling, "Obama is a Socialist!" This is the reason why I believe the United States have the dumbest voters in the world. Guess what, imbeciles? We have many aspects of Socialism in our government. Most people will say, "We are not Commies!" Our economy is a mix of Capitalism and Socialism. Our government is a mix of Democracy, Republic, and Socialism. Our own U.S. Constitution has some socialistic views in the form of Amendments.

I bet you are asking yourself, how can that be? Let's start with taxes. Any government that taxes their people is considered a socialistic view. Every tax is a redistribution of wealth. It is impossible to claim that your tax plan is not a redistribution of wealth. Let me repeat, IMPOSSIBLE! McCain's plan is a redistribution of wealth and so is Obama's. The percentages are just changed from their plans. The fact is that all taxes, no matter the percentages, takes wealth from people and redistributes it. The policy of government tax, is socialistic. There are only two certainties in life, Death and Taxes!

I'm sure there are people out there that are disagreeing with me. Ever heard of the IRS, Social Security, Homeland Security, Bank Nationalization, Unemployment Benefits, etc? I could write all of the socialistic programs that the United States has but I would fill up this entire entry. Any program that is run by the government and is funded by the people is considered socialism. The U.S. Constitution puts restrictions on the people called Amendments. Prohibition and allowing Federal Income Tax are the two which the government sought power over people. That would be considered socialistic as well.

Now to explain exactly what Socialism is. Our government consists of partial governmental control without restricting the rights of it's people. It protects people's rights. By restricting the rights of people would be a full blown Socialism. By having no governmental control that would lean more toward anarchy. I think our Founding Fathers had the right idea of providing a mix of both. Most European countries are Democratic Socialism's. Some say we are a full blown Republic. We do have some aspects of a Republic and Democracy by electing politicians to represent us in government and our three branches of government. It's the laws and policies our politicians that push us closer to socialism.

We should talk about the attack of Socialism. Democrats and Republicans have used this form of attack throughout history. They do this because they associate Socialism with the U.S.S.R. aka Russia, Cuba, and China. Our great enemies. The United States spent millions to scare people into hating Socialism and Communism. Anyone remember the Vietnam War? This is exactly why politicians use it as a campaign tactic. People fear the prospect of that form of government. They don't even realize we have aspects of it in ours. People need to wake up and realize that they are being brainwashed by fear tactics. Use your brain!



  1. Yes we do indeed have socialist aspects in our society my question is do we need more? I fully understand the need for some of our society to be socialist in nature. But to argue that we already have socialism in our country isn't denying that he has socialist beliefs. And you aren't the first person to argue well we already have socialism. We don't need more there has to be limits to our acceptance to presere our way of life. And hello spreading the wealth is socialist and that comes straight from Obama's mouth. Oh and by the way McCain sucks too. I'm voting for Keith Olbermann. Haaa

  2. Yea Obama probably shouldn't have said that but all taxes spread the wealth around. McCain's plan does the same thing though. That is what taxes do. They redistribute wealth. Bush Tax cuts just happen to spread the wealth all to the rich. Since they have a larger percentage tax cut. How does it make sense that the poor and middle class pay a higher percentage on taxes when they make less money?

  3. I love mokeys suits comment. I don't make all my money so other people can live off it. Why should people that make money be penalized. Yes calling Obama a socialist is stupid. But i don't like the idea of welfare and other government programs like it. I guess its the republican in me. I can hear it now Obama won't raise taxes. Yea but i see him upping welfare or even worse like bumbling biden said help people pay off their house that can't pay for it. Bullshit i make my mortgage payment every month why should i help someone else make theirs.
