Friday, October 3, 2008

Debates, What Are They Good For?

According to the media, was I watching the debate or the Super Bowl? At least the Super Bowl would have been more exciting. All these debates do is get people fired up to be interested in a dismal subject of politics for those that don't find it interesting. Most people already know who they're voting for and a debate isn't going to sway their decision.

Now, I hear all about these so called "Undecided" and "Independent" voters. These people are full of themselves because they just want to feel special so that a candidate can just work a little harder to sway them. If these people need a sound bite driven debate to sway their political decision, you have no brain. You want to make your decision, try reading and researching. People are Independent in this country because it is the cool thing to do. They love to think they're above politics. It's called smugness. It's just like when Hybrids first hit the scene and people who bought them thought they were making a difference and scalded those who didn't own one. I don't care how Independent you think you are but you must have your own beliefs and views. Those beliefs and views fall under one side of the political spectrum. If you would do some research on your candidate, you would know exactly which you identify with. We then wouldn't have to waste our time with these over-hyped spectacles called debates, that have no substance.

At the end of these debates it's the greatest thing in the world, each side declares victory! No matter if the opponent did god awful, they'll always claim victory. You really can't win debates because it is two opinions head butting each other. It's human nature that when we have an opinion to think our opinion is right. The only real way to decide who won a debate is to see how people vote on November 4th.

I'm an Obama supporter and I admit it but I already knew I was going to vote for him a long time ago. I know Obama's and McCain's policies inside and out. I identify more with Obama. I really hope Americans don't make their decision based off of debates but I think that's a fool's hope. Most Americans would rather have a President they can relate to rather than who has a better plan for the future of our country. There's a ton of people that I relate to but I don't think they're qualified to be President!


  1. I agree with you about undecided voters. The people I know who are giving themselves that label right now haven't really taken the time to educate themselves on issues.

    In terms of the debate, I thought Palin was mostly fluff. I am not interested in electing someone who cannot speak coherently or look past her own narrow experience. Worse yet, it seems she takes pride in a narrow world view.

    That's just not what I'm looking for.

    Thanks for the post!

  2. It was a very rehearsed performance and you could tell because she avoided questions and stuck to the talking points.

    Thanks I became a follower of your blog and am looking forward for some new posts from you.

  3. Do the undecided voters really have to be those who haven't educated themselves, or perhaps those who feel they can't make a decision on the education they've provided themselves?

    I only disagree in this point because I'm not entirely comfortable with Obama's foreign policy experience and plan for healthcare. However, I feel McCain brings even more things that I do not approve of to the table. Additionally, it'd be counter-productive for me to vote for tickets like McKinney/Clemente or Nader/Gonzalez if I really couldn't stand to see McCain/Palin in office.

    I'll admit there probably are a lot of "undecided" voters who are just looking for that emotional hook'n'sinker, but some of us just aren't satisfactorily pleased with the candidates and/or settling for what is better in the long run. We shouldn't really have to settle, should we?

  4. Great blog Derek, this is by far the best blog you have ever written. I never knew that you felt this way. I always thought you were one of the self righteous "independents" out there. I'm glad to see you feel this way. But to the lady above you sound like a typical liberal bashing someone for petty reasons. Really she can't speak in coherent sentences? I'm sorry but no one ever wins beauty pageants elections for mayor and Governor with out being a good speaker. She is as good as Barrack at speaking? No, and not a whole lot of people are in this world. Does that mean I will vote for him? Never, so please just because you have a hate for the republican party don't try to bad mouth a women for being who is she.

  5. My point is what are the undecided/Independent voters going to learn from a debate? Debates are the least informational part of a campaign as possible. I'm not saying you have to decide right away, but if your swayed by a debate, you shouldn't be voting. I'm saying you can learn a lot more about a candidate from researching their past and past votes. Also reading about their policies in-depth. Usually 80% of the time campaign promises are bullshit anyways. I've seen McCain's voting record and Obama's. My point is on the debates in general and how pointless they are.

    I consider myself independent from political parties because I hate them but I'm not independent from my leaning liberal views. There is no such thing as being exactly in the middle on the political spectrum. The issues of the day are separated by this spectrum so it's 50-50. You are either, for or against them. People who agree with a candidate 100% shouldn't vote either. That tells you that that person knows nothing about the candidate they are voting for and are just voting for them because of race, faith, experience, political party. I think you know the other ridiculous reasons. I'd also want you to show me an Independent voter that believes that they are not above politics.

    The problem with third party candidates is that they either super left or right. They are borderline radical. The only third party candidate to make a dent on the super powers of political parties was Ross Perot. The only reason he could make a dent was because he was a billionaire and could compete money wise.

    I agree with you though. There is nothing wrong with being undecided but being swayed by the spectacle of debates disqualifies you for voting lol. I'm not insinuating you are in any way.

  6. I'm glad you joined the discussion Ryan. =D

    My best Republican Friend that I'll argue with till my death haha!
